The beginning of a journey
Hi, my name is Jen.
I'm a mother, a home-owner, and a designer.
As a mother of three beautiful kids and wife to an amazing husband, I want the best for my family - for us to live healthy, happy lives full of love, learning and adventures exploring this incredible planet.
As a home-owner, I want our everyday living space to be a functional, comfortable, and inspiring place to live that supports a healthy lifestyle.
Being a designer motivates me to find the best solutions that addresses all of these concerns while creating a beautiful home we all enjoy being in.

Where it began.
I knew early on that I wanted to work in the design field. It was a perfect outlet that combined the mathematical side of my brain with the artistic side, and made good use of my love of puzzles! As a kid, I loved rearranging furniture to find the best solution and organizing and re-organizing my book shelf with all my favourite things. When visiting a friend’s home for the first time, I would study the floor plan, make my own assessment of space efficiency and admire all of the architectural details. I found my passion in interior design. I love to make the most of every space, increasing efficiency and function, while creating an atmosphere that is beautiful, comforting and inspiring.
After graduating with an Interior Design diploma, I gained a wide range of experience in different places, including a modern home furnishing store, a custom kitchen shop, and an architectural & engineering firm. Though I was enjoying my work, the further I got into my career, the more I felt a disconnect between my profession and my personal values. The design world feeds into a materialistic and consumer-driven view of bigger and better and more – bigger homes, better style and more things. The design industry’s demand for more contradicts my desire to live with less. The consumer-driven manufacturing industry opposes my conviction of mankind’s calling to care for the earth. The exploitation of people across the world to supply cheap products in the latest style goes against my belief in the inherit worth of people. I was torn, and wondered, how could I find fulfillment in a profession that felt so superficial and careless?
I want to pursue a better approach to design - a more holistic approach.
One that looks beyond a project and sees the bigger picture. One that cares for people and the planet, and makes the best use of the resources given to us. One that strives for simplicity and values quality over quantity, and people over things. I believe that many people, given the choice, would prefer this holistic and sustainable approach to design, but don’t know where to start. Through my own personal experiences of renovating old homes and building a new home, I know it’s not easy to find eco-friendly solutions at mainstream stores or to sift through the overabundance of information online. With so many companies “green-washing” their products, it’s hard to know who to believe and what to look for, even when you are educated in this field! Though sustainable and healthy design is becoming a more common topic, it is still confusing, inaccessible and overwhelming to the average home owner.

As a family, we love to travel, camp, explore new places and enjoy the outdoors. I want my kid's kids to be able to do the same! My journey is one of moving in the direction of creating healthy sustainable spaces and preserving our planet. Though I won't always get it right, and I still have a lot to learn, it starts with small steps in the right direction. I would love for you join me on this journey! This website is an on-going compilation of every facet of sustainable design put together in a way that's easy to navigate and understand, from goal-setting at the beginning of the design process to the on-going maintenance and lifestyle experienced within the finished space. I will be looking to industry experts and adding new content and blog posts as I continue to learn, find new products, and explore new ideas in my design work, my home life and my travels. My hope is to inspire people to think differently about designing their space, and empower them to make informed choices. Choices for healthy spaces and a healthy planet.